
Blogs on the Dutch decision to proceed

Robin Chase: Holland first city with distance tax (its a charge, not a tax!)
Clean Break: Dutch pursue idea of cross-country road pricing
Greg Mankiw: Netherlands joins the Pigou Club
Worldchanging: Netherlands Plans Massive Road-Pricing Scheme

Stephen Rees: The Dutch Introduce Road Pricing
Centurean2: Oppression Watch: Road Pricing In The Netherlands
Financial Times: Dutch propose full-scale road pricing system
This one ended on an odd note: "Getting the technology right could prove challenging. Germany’s lorry-charging scheme was delayed as the satellite system that it chose became confused by tall buildings."

That system used technology from well over five years ago and is no longer a problem. The technology to be used in Holland will be at least a two full generations ahead of that earlier technology.
even a car-review magazine: Road charging going Dutch
AutoCar: Holland launches road-charging
One of the comments on this last one is interesting:

"This kinda worries me because if it does actually work the British government would introduce it in our country, only to make a complete hash of it."

This tells me there is at least one Brit who thinks it might work, but assumes his government can't figure it out. I assumed that no one made that kind of subtle distinction in Britain anymore, and that like Peter Roberts "no" has no flavors.
and according to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management --- GNSS Road Pricing will be used.

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When you read a lot of articles, reports and blogs and browse the comments to many of these, you can sort all of them into one of f
our intellectual camps:
(Governments are greedy or incompetent)
Status Quo (Just increase the gas tax!)
Panic (Charge vehicle mile traveled ASAP; tends to happen in US mostly)
Market (Charge distance by time and place of consumption)

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